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Thread: Anti-Trump nutcase kicked off flight for harassing Trump supporter

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    Default Anti-Trump nutcase kicked off flight for harassing Trump supporter

    And the hits just keep on coming LMAO. Love how she tries to act like the victim when she's kicked off. Have fun sitting in the airport like a chump.

    According to Kotesky:

    Just had the craziest experience ever on an airplane:

    I’m boarding my flight from Baltimore to Seattle and approach my seat. I had an upgraded seat that I paid a little extra for because of the long 6 hour flight. As I approach my row I smile and motion to the husband and wife sitting in the aisle and middle seat that Imy seat was next to the window. I put my backpack in the overhead and the wife with a very stern voice says to me:

    “Did you come here to cheer or to protest?”

    “I came here to celebrate democracy ma’am”

    … I knew this was going to be a long flight at this point. She then proceeded with: (somewhat paraphrased as my memory allows)

    Her: “You put a crazed man in charge of the nuclear codes! You should be ashamed!”

    Me: ‘Well we’re all entitled to our opinions here ma’am.”

    Her: “And I’m entitled to get drunk and puke in your lap! I’m going to throw up right in your lap! You make me sick! Don’t talk to me! Don’t look at me! Don’t you dare even put your arm on that rest. You disgust me! You should be ashamed of yourself! You put a maniac’s finger on the button” (assuming she’s means nukes). You are a bigot. You should get off this plane!”

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    Default Re: Anti-Trump nutcase kicked off flight for harassing Trump supporter

    That has made my day , what a septic slag she was.
    "I don't agree with democracy so I will keep on talking about my opinion even if I sound like a broken record."
    Sound familiar ?

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    Default Re: Anti-Trump nutcase kicked off flight for harassing Trump supporter

    Master, Spicoli and Beans support these people. You just can't make this shit up.

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    Default Re: Anti-Trump nutcase kicked off flight for harassing Trump supporter

    mind you, it's a good job she was elderly and also seated ..... because that fat lardass cop wasn't going to be catching anybody in a foot race.
    If God wanted us to be vegetarians, why are animals made of meat ?

  5. #5
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Anti-Trump nutcase kicked off flight for harassing Trump supporter


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    Default Re: Anti-Trump nutcase kicked off flight for harassing Trump supporter

    Just the entitlement of this twat. "He's in MY space!!!" Yuck!

    People can say we're being unfair to the left, but I challenge anyone to produce a video where a Trump supporter is treating a Hillary supporter like this, or a group of Trump supporters are assaulting a lone Hillary supporter.

    When lefties and feminists go out and protest, they don't have to worry about angry Trump supporters sucker punching them, spitting on them, screaming in their faces, etc.

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    Default Anti-Trump protester assaults female reporter... at a woman's rally!

    I mean you can't make this stuff up

    Then the brave feminists stand around and let it happen.

    This guy has since been identified as Dion Bews, a guitar maker up in Canada (where the rally was held). Now he's getting publicly shamed and has desperately closed down all his social media.

    Regardless of your political views... I think we can all agree it's a scumbag move to assault a woman! At a WOMAN'S MARCH no less

  8. #8
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Anti-Trump nutcase kicked off flight for harassing Trump supporter

    Quote Originally Posted by vidgil View Post
    Just the entitlement of this twat. "He's in MY space!!!" Yuck!

    People can say we're being unfair to the left, but I challenge anyone to produce a video where a Trump supporter is treating a Hillary supporter like this, or a group of Trump supporters are assaulting a lone Hillary supporter.

    When lefties and feminists go out and protest, they don't have to worry about angry Trump supporters sucker punching them, spitting on them, screaming in their faces, etc.

    used to....

    I think we're seeing that people are tired of the habitual line steppers, they are tired of Gavin McInnes says "try going to any other kind event and talking shit about who everyone is there to see and what it's about and see what happens".....the people on the right have been EXTREMELY civil, they are the ONLY fucking reason America is still a country right now.

    We on the right, we ALLOW protests and free speech and dissent when we're in power and we DEMAND it when we're not in power....we even tried to keep the Democrats from using the nuclear option because we knew what would happen right fucking now but did the Democrats listen? Do they ever?

    They always say they want a dialogue but what they really want is a soliloquy

  9. #9
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Anti-Trump protester assaults female reporter... at a woman's rally!

    See, that's the sort of thing that's going to take nice happy go lucky everyday folk and turn them violent. It's not going to end well if the lefties keep pushing like this.....not going to end well for them at all.

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    Default Re: Anti-Trump protester assaults female reporter... at a woman's rally!

    I just love how these people are out marching for women, then a dude hits a woman right in front of their eyes. But it just so happens the man is for their cause and the woman is against it... so it's okay! You can even see some women laughing as he does it!

    I don't fancy myself a tough guy but if I see a man strike a woman, regardless of her political affiliations, we are throwing down!

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    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    Master, Spicoli and Beans support these people. You just can't make this shit up.
    Fuck you Steve. That was a very disingenuous low blow. I can't speak for Master or Spicoli but I in no way endorse Hillary, her supporters or people who cannot respect the decisions of others. Not voting for Brexit or Trump does not make someone a loser. Telling people with a valid opinion in a democracy to stfu makes you a loser. Just like that woman, just like everyone on here who won't hear a word said against Trump, or who thinks that backing Brexit lends their own opinion or credence more weight than the 48% who didn't. Losers.

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    Default Re: Anti-Trump nutcase kicked off flight for harassing Trump supporter

    Sod off Beanz. Oh my, my word, how you have sold out just to maintain this anti-Trump facade of yours. You just couldn't make this anarchist shit of yours up if you tried. Law & Order in your view is somehiw now equal to the Brown Shirt jackbooted Nazi thugs or something!

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    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    Sod off Beanz. Oh my, my word, how you have sold out just to maintain this anti-Trump facade of yours. You just couldn't make this anarchist shit of yours up if you tried. Law & Order in your view is somehiw now equal to the Brown Shirt jackbooted Nazi thugs or something!
    Stop fucking squirming and admit it. Your whining and constant complaining is so obsessive you are literally inventing opponents in order to play the victim. Nowhere has anybody justified or sided with Hilary or any of the crackpots using Trump as an excuse to act like an arse and yet you and Lyle just flat out lie and suggest that anybody not fawning over Trump is not only supporting but excusing such behaviour. And for the record the chump you both voted in has all the hallmarks of a insecure,narcissistic child.

  14. #14
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Anti-Trump nutcase kicked off flight for harassing Trump supporter

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Stop fucking squirming and admit it. Your whining and constant complaining is so obsessive you are literally inventing opponents in order to play the victim. Nowhere has anybody justified or sided with Hilary or any of the crackpots using Trump as an excuse to act like an arse and yet you and Lyle just flat out lie and suggest that anybody not fawning over Trump is not only supporting but excusing such behaviour. And for the record the chump you both voted in has all the hallmarks of a insecure,narcissistic child.
    I didn't vote for Obama

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    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Stop fucking squirming and admit it. Your whining and constant complaining is so obsessive you are literally inventing opponents in order to play the victim. Nowhere has anybody justified or sided with Hilary or any of the crackpots using Trump as an excuse to act like an arse and yet you and Lyle just flat out lie and suggest that anybody not fawning over Trump is not only supporting but excusing such behaviour. And for the record the chump you both voted in has all the hallmarks of a insecure,narcissistic child.
    I didn't vote for Obama
    Seems like you didn't get off your fat arse and protest against him or his policies either. I may be wrong but it sounds like many on the right that actually using your democratic right to protest is just too lefty libtard for you. I don't recall anyone on the left or in the middle whining quite this much when Obama was elected.

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