heres a southpaw's best punch. when a southpaw jabs he'll get hit with these counter right hands.
that punch works because when you throw a right hand your head will naturally slip his jab in the same motion. but a good southpaw will know that you want to throw that punch. and a good southpaw will know that when you throw your right hand that you just picked up your right elbow. your right elbow is what protects your liver. when you throw your right hand and pick up your right elbow, your body becomes totally open, and your liver becomes unprotected.
so when you throw your counter right hand and pick up your right elbow
what a good southpaw will do is go down to your body, specifically to your liver
when you throw up top
thats his cue to go downstairs
teach that punch to your southpaw and he'll be pretty hard to beat. but will that punch work against a southpaw?