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Thread: Today In Biden Land

  1. #691
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Today In Biden Land, After 4 years of no talk of spending constraint it is now the Right Wing Mantra.

    *Republicans have criticized the bill as being too large and wasteful

    *“Too often, lawmakers in Washington pass bills without having time to read them before they vote.

    1st two budgets under Donaldict were a 2,000 pager and 2,200 pager, He stated no one read it...where was Ron Johnson at?

    Republicans back to their usual offer nothing- just oppose. When Democrats do it, they hurt the nationl, when they do it they're helping the nation.

    So Johnson of Wisconsin forced a reading of 600 pages. Now here is what puzzles me. even though many Republican elected officials agreed, guess how many stayed to listen?

    Other than Ron?

    Nevertheless, the measure is eventually expected to pass
    So I'm to believe that there's absolutely nothing in the bill worthy of opposing? Is that what you're telling us?

  2. #692
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Biden tells NASA engineer Indian Americans are ‘taking over the country’

    What a wonderful job he's doing right?

  3. #693
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Hey @Kirkland Laing did it happen like you said it would? Has it happened yet?

  4. #694
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    CDC lets child migrant shelters fill to 100% despite COVID concern

  5. #695
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    The Beijing/Soros/Deep State/MSM media narrative has been the Orwellian epitome of Mind Control on the American public. Frightening shit.

  6. #696
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Trump was a Force to be reckoned with boy, he had the Energy of a 20 year old and could travel and give rallies 16 hours a day. Look at this shriveled up old fucking prune. Where is the Presidential ENergy? Can you picture Biden traveling the world meeting with Xi, Kim, Putin, etc... Yeah, America got what it wanted, good fucking luck, this guy is the most drooling, stuttering, teetering, forgetful, senile joke of a President since, since, ...... since The Boston Tea Party.
    Last I remember it was Trump cowering to Putin when he misspoke.
    I gotta agree, he was giving rallies- full of energy.

    I mean he had lots of energy, he'd starts his day way earlier like 6am...oops, I mean 11am- 4-5 hours after every president before him

    Donald Trump 'starts his working day at 11am - later than at beginning of presidency'

    Probably because he chose to spend the morning talking bullshit to FOX- calling in every other morning...
    The US President demanded more "executive time," according to private schedules obtained by Axios, which officials said "almost always means TV and Twitter time alone in the residence".

    White House Press schedules stated Mr Trump has "executive time" in the Oval Office each day between 8am and 11am. Schedules sent to the White House press pool routinely show Mr Trump's first meeting beginning at 11am.
    President Trump's daily routine: Twitter, cable TV and plotting

    Trump reviews a compilation press coverage, which is assembled each morning in the Republican National Committee's "war room."

    Then he does tha difficult task of watching television so he could rate them. Isn't that what a energetic leader does?

    What a pitty the same right wing media that did a nonstop cataloging on Obama's golfing, refused to even mention Trump broke his lie of no golfing, by golfing the 1st month and didnt stop until covid made him do it. Got to admit I dont think Biden has the stamina to play

    In October 2014, for instance, Trump tweeted: “Can you believe that, with all the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf. Worse than Carter. He should get dinged for that" Trump also said last August that as president he wouldn’t have time for golf.

    Instead FOX posted articles like "Dems attack Trump's golf game-claims he cheats."
    Yeah what a spin machine they did for him...and he punked them and told his fans to go OAN...

    TRUMP GOLF COUNT: 298* Cost to Taxpayer: About $145,000,000**
    *Daytime visits to golf clubs since inauguration, with evidence of playing golf on at least 150 visits. Our last recorded outing was on December 30, 2020. Click on complete data table for a list of Trump's outings, or view our breakdown of total costs.

    **Read about the new GAO report on the cost of Trump's trips to Mar-a-Lago.

    I give him credit, don't know if he was tootin' snortin' takin uppers or just high on himself, but when one adds on to his weekly routine- during his first year in office in 2017, the president held 10 political rallies, averaging almost one a month. next 3 years he increased which tells us our president was energetic enough to:
    1. watch television daily
    2. call in to his state ran shows FOX several times a week
    3. Golfed several times a week.
    4. Did rallies several times a week.

    Instead of
    1. managing the defict- fuck the deficit- that only matters when Dems are in office

    2. Fuck the health care...he just lied as usual and said there would be so many plans...all he had to do was take out the mandate( that right wing Heritage foundation inserted- when they wrote the Affordable Health care Act---that they named Affordable Healthcare Act.

    3. Being with his generals when killing our soldiers in Yemen raid gone bad- selling our Troops to Arabia for cash or bombing Syria over 80 precious babies- he did those actions at mara lago paid by stupid ass Americans, because Trump is too rich to pay his own way back n forth

    4. Instead of building a wall, just wait until the last months in office and say "we completed the wall...but you may want to extend it"

    5. Instead of doing something about fraudulent elections that only occur during presidential & primary elections, not midterm...he continued complaining 4 str8 years doing jack the fuck nothing, nada about it. Why? cause his fraudulent farcical fake patriotic voters don't care either that all he did was complain (with energy) I might add!

    6. Eliminating beaurucratic red tape he campaigned typical fashion, just complain about it then walk away and play some more golf, then tweet more times than a teenaged girl going through puberty.

    I'm signing the omnibous bill, I didnt read it. Nobody read it. It's only hours old. Some people dont even know whats in it...its 1.3 trillion dollars. it's the 2nd largest ever. President Obama signed the other one...(WHICH I'M SURE HE WASN'T TOO HAPPY WITH EITHER) DACA was treated bad bythe democrats- we wanted to include them."
    --The words of a complainer, a fucked up negotiator who signed a 2,000 plus page spending bill by a majority Republican House & Senate early 2018- in which I repeat he spent no time reading it. Then used that energy to play golf...on America's last dime.

    energy used by Trump to tweet or retweeted approximately 3,500 times in 2018
    7,700 times in 2019
    and on over more than 12,000 occasions in 2020.
    The New York Times reported that he was tagged on Twitter at a rate of 1,000 times a minute that in 2019.
    His most prolific day came on June 05, 2020 when he sent 200 tweets or retweets, breaking a previous record of 142 sent on during his impeachment trial on January 23, 2020.

    Trump tweeted 5.7 times per day on average during his first half year in the White House.
    34.8 times a day on average during the second half of 2020

    I wonder when he spent his time tweeting, watching television, playing golf, doing I am the world rallies...who was running the White House?

    Thank Goodness Joe is like Low Energy Jeb....he doesnt have it in him to fuck over the people's time, doing what he wants to do as opposed what needs to be done: govern.
    There is a Trump thread if you are so into the routines of Donald Trump. Just saying.

  7. #697
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Trump was a Force to be reckoned with boy, he had the Energy of a 20 year old and could travel and give rallies 16 hours a day. Look at this shriveled up old fucking prune. Where is the Presidential ENergy? Can you picture Biden traveling the world meeting with Xi, Kim, Putin, etc... Yeah, America got what it wanted, good fucking luck, this guy is the most drooling, stuttering, teetering, forgetful, senile joke of a President since, since, ...... since The Boston Tea Party.
    Last I remember it was Trump cowering to Putin when he misspoke.
    I gotta agree, he was giving rallies- full of energy.

    I mean he had lots of energy, he'd starts his day way earlier like 6am...oops, I mean 11am- 4-5 hours after every president before him

    Donald Trump 'starts his working day at 11am - later than at beginning of presidency'

    Probably because he chose to spend the morning talking bullshit to FOX- calling in every other morning...
    The US President demanded more "executive time," according to private schedules obtained by Axios, which officials said "almost always means TV and Twitter time alone in the residence".

    White House Press schedules stated Mr Trump has "executive time" in the Oval Office each day between 8am and 11am. Schedules sent to the White House press pool routinely show Mr Trump's first meeting beginning at 11am.
    President Trump's daily routine: Twitter, cable TV and plotting

    Trump reviews a compilation press coverage, which is assembled each morning in the Republican National Committee's "war room."

    Then he does tha difficult task of watching television so he could rate them. Isn't that what a energetic leader does?

    What a pitty the same right wing media that did a nonstop cataloging on Obama's golfing, refused to even mention Trump broke his lie of no golfing, by golfing the 1st month and didnt stop until covid made him do it. Got to admit I dont think Biden has the stamina to play

    In October 2014, for instance, Trump tweeted: “Can you believe that, with all the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf. Worse than Carter. He should get dinged for that" Trump also said last August that as president he wouldn’t have time for golf.

    Instead FOX posted articles like "Dems attack Trump's golf game-claims he cheats."
    Yeah what a spin machine they did for him...and he punked them and told his fans to go OAN...

    TRUMP GOLF COUNT: 298* Cost to Taxpayer: About $145,000,000**
    *Daytime visits to golf clubs since inauguration, with evidence of playing golf on at least 150 visits. Our last recorded outing was on December 30, 2020. Click on complete data table for a list of Trump's outings, or view our breakdown of total costs.

    **Read about the new GAO report on the cost of Trump's trips to Mar-a-Lago.

    I give him credit, don't know if he was tootin' snortin' takin uppers or just high on himself, but when one adds on to his weekly routine- during his first year in office in 2017, the president held 10 political rallies, averaging almost one a month. next 3 years he increased which tells us our president was energetic enough to:
    1. watch television daily
    2. call in to his state ran shows FOX several times a week
    3. Golfed several times a week.
    4. Did rallies several times a week.

    Instead of
    1. managing the defict- fuck the deficit- that only matters when Dems are in office

    2. Fuck the health care...he just lied as usual and said there would be so many plans...all he had to do was take out the mandate( that right wing Heritage foundation inserted- when they wrote the Affordable Health care Act---that they named Affordable Healthcare Act.

    3. Being with his generals when killing our soldiers in Yemen raid gone bad- selling our Troops to Arabia for cash or bombing Syria over 80 precious babies- he did those actions at mara lago paid by stupid ass Americans, because Trump is too rich to pay his own way back n forth

    4. Instead of building a wall, just wait until the last months in office and say "we completed the wall...but you may want to extend it"

    5. Instead of doing something about fraudulent elections that only occur during presidential & primary elections, not midterm...he continued complaining 4 str8 years doing jack the fuck nothing, nada about it. Why? cause his fraudulent farcical fake patriotic voters don't care either that all he did was complain (with energy) I might add!

    6. Eliminating beaurucratic red tape he campaigned typical fashion, just complain about it then walk away and play some more golf, then tweet more times than a teenaged girl going through puberty.

    I'm signing the omnibous bill, I didnt read it. Nobody read it. It's only hours old. Some people dont even know whats in it...its 1.3 trillion dollars. it's the 2nd largest ever. President Obama signed the other one...(WHICH I'M SURE HE WASN'T TOO HAPPY WITH EITHER) DACA was treated bad bythe democrats- we wanted to include them."
    --The words of a complainer, a fucked up negotiator who signed a 2,000 plus page spending bill by a majority Republican House & Senate early 2018- in which I repeat he spent no time reading it. Then used that energy to play golf...on America's last dime.

    energy used by Trump to tweet or retweeted approximately 3,500 times in 2018
    7,700 times in 2019
    and on over more than 12,000 occasions in 2020.
    The New York Times reported that he was tagged on Twitter at a rate of 1,000 times a minute that in 2019.
    His most prolific day came on June 05, 2020 when he sent 200 tweets or retweets, breaking a previous record of 142 sent on during his impeachment trial on January 23, 2020.

    Trump tweeted 5.7 times per day on average during his first half year in the White House.
    34.8 times a day on average during the second half of 2020

    I wonder when he spent his time tweeting, watching television, playing golf, doing I am the world rallies...who was running the White House?

    Thank Goodness Joe is like Low Energy Jeb....he doesnt have it in him to fuck over the people's time, doing what he wants to do as opposed what needs to be done: govern.
    There is a Trump thread if you are so into the routines of Donald Trump. Just saying.
    Curious how you would say that to Slim and not to Brock the one who introduced the assertion that Slim took all the effort to reply in some considerable cross referenced detail to.

    Anyone might think that maybe you had an ulterior motive

    Have you not got some books to ban?
    Hidden Content

    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  8. #698
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Trump was a Force to be reckoned with boy, he had the Energy of a 20 year old and could travel and give rallies 16 hours a day. Look at this shriveled up old fucking prune. Where is the Presidential ENergy? Can you picture Biden traveling the world meeting with Xi, Kim, Putin, etc... Yeah, America got what it wanted, good fucking luck, this guy is the most drooling, stuttering, teetering, forgetful, senile joke of a President since, since, ...... since The Boston Tea Party.
    Last I remember it was Trump cowering to Putin when he misspoke.
    I gotta agree, he was giving rallies- full of energy.

    I mean he had lots of energy, he'd starts his day way earlier like 6am...oops, I mean 11am- 4-5 hours after every president before him

    Donald Trump 'starts his working day at 11am - later than at beginning of presidency'

    Probably because he chose to spend the morning talking bullshit to FOX- calling in every other morning...
    The US President demanded more "executive time," according to private schedules obtained by Axios, which officials said "almost always means TV and Twitter time alone in the residence".

    White House Press schedules stated Mr Trump has "executive time" in the Oval Office each day between 8am and 11am. Schedules sent to the White House press pool routinely show Mr Trump's first meeting beginning at 11am.
    President Trump's daily routine: Twitter, cable TV and plotting

    Trump reviews a compilation press coverage, which is assembled each morning in the Republican National Committee's "war room."

    Then he does tha difficult task of watching television so he could rate them. Isn't that what a energetic leader does?

    What a pitty the same right wing media that did a nonstop cataloging on Obama's golfing, refused to even mention Trump broke his lie of no golfing, by golfing the 1st month and didnt stop until covid made him do it. Got to admit I dont think Biden has the stamina to play

    In October 2014, for instance, Trump tweeted: “Can you believe that, with all the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf. Worse than Carter. He should get dinged for that" Trump also said last August that as president he wouldn’t have time for golf.

    Instead FOX posted articles like "Dems attack Trump's golf game-claims he cheats."
    Yeah what a spin machine they did for him...and he punked them and told his fans to go OAN...

    TRUMP GOLF COUNT: 298* Cost to Taxpayer: About $145,000,000**
    *Daytime visits to golf clubs since inauguration, with evidence of playing golf on at least 150 visits. Our last recorded outing was on December 30, 2020. Click on complete data table for a list of Trump's outings, or view our breakdown of total costs.

    **Read about the new GAO report on the cost of Trump's trips to Mar-a-Lago.

    I give him credit, don't know if he was tootin' snortin' takin uppers or just high on himself, but when one adds on to his weekly routine- during his first year in office in 2017, the president held 10 political rallies, averaging almost one a month. next 3 years he increased which tells us our president was energetic enough to:
    1. watch television daily
    2. call in to his state ran shows FOX several times a week
    3. Golfed several times a week.
    4. Did rallies several times a week.

    Instead of
    1. managing the defict- fuck the deficit- that only matters when Dems are in office

    2. Fuck the health care...he just lied as usual and said there would be so many plans...all he had to do was take out the mandate( that right wing Heritage foundation inserted- when they wrote the Affordable Health care Act---that they named Affordable Healthcare Act.

    3. Being with his generals when killing our soldiers in Yemen raid gone bad- selling our Troops to Arabia for cash or bombing Syria over 80 precious babies- he did those actions at mara lago paid by stupid ass Americans, because Trump is too rich to pay his own way back n forth

    4. Instead of building a wall, just wait until the last months in office and say "we completed the wall...but you may want to extend it"

    5. Instead of doing something about fraudulent elections that only occur during presidential & primary elections, not midterm...he continued complaining 4 str8 years doing jack the fuck nothing, nada about it. Why? cause his fraudulent farcical fake patriotic voters don't care either that all he did was complain (with energy) I might add!

    6. Eliminating beaurucratic red tape he campaigned typical fashion, just complain about it then walk away and play some more golf, then tweet more times than a teenaged girl going through puberty.

    I'm signing the omnibous bill, I didnt read it. Nobody read it. It's only hours old. Some people dont even know whats in it...its 1.3 trillion dollars. it's the 2nd largest ever. President Obama signed the other one...(WHICH I'M SURE HE WASN'T TOO HAPPY WITH EITHER) DACA was treated bad bythe democrats- we wanted to include them."
    --The words of a complainer, a fucked up negotiator who signed a 2,000 plus page spending bill by a majority Republican House & Senate early 2018- in which I repeat he spent no time reading it. Then used that energy to play golf...on America's last dime.

    energy used by Trump to tweet or retweeted approximately 3,500 times in 2018
    7,700 times in 2019
    and on over more than 12,000 occasions in 2020.
    The New York Times reported that he was tagged on Twitter at a rate of 1,000 times a minute that in 2019.
    His most prolific day came on June 05, 2020 when he sent 200 tweets or retweets, breaking a previous record of 142 sent on during his impeachment trial on January 23, 2020.

    Trump tweeted 5.7 times per day on average during his first half year in the White House.
    34.8 times a day on average during the second half of 2020

    I wonder when he spent his time tweeting, watching television, playing golf, doing I am the world rallies...who was running the White House?

    Thank Goodness Joe is like Low Energy Jeb....he doesnt have it in him to fuck over the people's time, doing what he wants to do as opposed what needs to be done: govern.
    There is a Trump thread if you are so into the routines of Donald Trump. Just saying.
    Curious how you would say that to Slim and not to Brock the one who introduced the assertion that Slim took all the effort to reply in some considerable cross referenced detail to.

    Anyone might think that maybe you had an ulterior motive

    Have you not got some books to ban?
    Brock had a sentence on Trump then immediately turned to Biden. It took a second to read that and then far longer to skim what was basically a very long Trump post.

    My ulterior motive? Nothing more than 'Today in Biden Land' and then going back in time several years to Trump and his TV and golfing hobby.

    Banning books? That is not I. I read seditious books rather than ban them. Just find it weird to be offended by Asians using chopsticks when that is what they do. Funny world.

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    My view on Biden is this. I want to see him face genuine questions and account for things such as randomly bombing Syria. I want to see the man himself explain his motivations and reasoning. I question if he can even do that. I want to see him expand on profound statements such as stating that Antifa is an idea. I want to see follow up questions and to probe that mind to see if it really is still ticking. I have my doubts.

    The thing I really hope is that America is not at the Soviet stage where they would roll out these old men who would die one after the other until the eventual decay was just impossible to conceal anymore. The US is in a worrying position and I don't want to see a repeat of Russia. However, on the flip side, you don't want to see them ruin US society indefinitely.

    That is an area where Slim does make excellent points. He understands the horror show of fiscal irresponsibility. Biden is perpetuating that as did the previous bloke who shall remain nameless.

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post

    Oh is your thing that you swore to me was totally happening today happening yet? Is that going on or no?

    It comes as no shock to find you're just parroting somebody else's opinion on something.

    And you're the Qanon nutcase Lyle. You're the guy who believes this stuff. And Joseph Robinette Biden Junior of Delaware is still your President.

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    He does give A great speech

  12. #702
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    And gets mysteriously cut off

  13. #703
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Indians are taking over the country

    He ALSO last week said and I quote:

    "Blacks and Hispanics dont know how to go online"

    ........can you imagine if Trump had said that?

  14. #704
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Indians are taking over the country

    He ALSO last week said and I quote:

    "Blacks and Hispanics dont know how to go online"

    ........can you imagine if Trump had said that?
    It shows the true hypocrisy of the US media. One of Joe’s previous presidential runs got sunk when he made that remark about Indian accents at 7-11 stores etc. in 77 he was saying he doesn’t want his kids going to the “jungle school” when they were talking school choice or some shit. Joe was basically fighting integration in the late 70’s. But remember Trump was a terrible racist for his landlord practices in the 1970’s? Biden is mentally shot and I feel bad about that and take no joy in seeing someone slide like that but If that has not uncovered the media and it’s agenda, they are covering for the dude.

    How about the “armed insurrection” at the capitol. How many were arrested with guns. None. But the media calls it “the armed insurrection” kinda sad. Just filled up my gas tank first time I payed over 3 bucks a gallon. Market acting strange. Still I wish Joe well and hope he does good things but damn if they are cutting out his speeches like that, going dead air on him, how bad is this guy? And why is kamila making calls on his behalf. They are already coming out with excuses for him not doing the state of the union. Better talk about Trump can’t say too much about this.

  15. #705
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Indians are taking over the country

    He ALSO last week said and I quote:

    "Blacks and Hispanics dont know how to go online"

    ........can you imagine if Trump had said that?
    It shows the true hypocrisy of the US media. One of Joe’s previous presidential runs got sunk when he made that remark about Indian accents at 7-11 stores etc. in 77 he was saying he doesn’t want his kids going to the “jungle school” when they were talking school choice or some shit. Joe was basically fighting integration in the late 70’s. But remember Trump was a terrible racist for his landlord practices in the 1970’s? Biden is mentally shot and I feel bad about that and take no joy in seeing someone slide like that but If that has not uncovered the media and it’s agenda, they are covering for the dude.

    How about the “armed insurrection” at the capitol. How many were arrested with guns. None. But the media calls it “the armed insurrection” kinda sad. Just filled up my gas tank first time I payed over 3 bucks a gallon. Market acting strange. Still I wish Joe well and hope he does good things but damn if they are cutting out his speeches like that, going dead air on him, how bad is this guy? And why is kamila making calls on his behalf. They are already coming out with excuses for him not doing the state of the union. Better talk about Trump can’t say too much about this.

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