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Poll: Would you like to see Alex Jones on mainstream TV subverting from within?

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Thread: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

  1. #31
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    Who are "they" ?

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    Alex jones loves his guns.

  3. #33
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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Quote Originally Posted by Greenbeanz View Post
    Who are "they" ?
    The critics.

  4. #34
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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Greenbeanz View Post
    Who are "they" ?
    The critics.
    miles dont feed the trolls

  5. #35
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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Greenbeanz isn't a troll. I just think he has been within the system so long that he has been conditioned to think in the manner he does. To hear people that say it is all a hoax will make one cranky, but it's the reality. For instance, only a country which programs people to accept monarchy will accept monarchy. Only a country which conditions you to accept a police state will have citizens who duly accept the impending police state. Only citizens who have been conditioned to accept immigration will accept it. It is the decimated middle classes who are perpetuating the nonsense; the working classes, appear to be chomping at the bit.

    There is something seriously wrong with Britain and it is the so called intelligent media and intelligent people like Greenbeanz who are part of the problem. I think most ordinary people would agree that the monarchy is a joke, that immigration is an abomination, that the bank of England is criminal, that the secret service are a bunch of perverts. They would agree even more if the information was even given to them. Instead, the 'gatekeepers' will subvert, distort, and escape from the truth. The middle class middle men, the media, and the political elite are all looking out for one another; meanwhile they are actively destroying a great nation.

    On the front pages of the gutter press they will happily say that Saville abused a million children, but will they say that the secret services are watching obese men and young girls masturbate on their webcams with bold headlines on the cover? This is perversion and it is English children that they are perving on. The BBC is actively avoiding the Snowden reports as though they are infectious diseases and they created Saville. Cameron is behaving as though is one of the predators. Comment on your corrupt system and investigate and reform it. They are proving Alex Jones correct.

    What is my point? My point is that people like Alex Jones are actually behaving in a far more respectable manner than the political, economic, media, business, and middle classes. There is a message that he is trying to get across and looking at the latest stories about secret service perversion, he is once again absolutely correct. Piers Morgan wants to take away guns and argued it for 2 months, Edward Snowden and the revelations of a Stasi is stonewalled in a matter of weeks.

    It's all too obvious. The mainstream is over and only a few are left standing in the real world. Most are actively defending a police state.

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    "Within the system ?"

  7. #37
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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    No offense, GB as I like you. I just find some of your views to be a bit too much in line with how one is supposed to think as seen through the mainstream middle class media. For instance, immigration and the monarchy. The paralympics is another one, but when you actually talk about it, people will seldom disagree with you on the topic. A few raised eyes at first, but once you explain it and show that it is nothing hateful, typically people will agree. Nobody hates the disabled, but most would prefer to watch real football. Yet in this PC age, we must all salute the noble disabled and the media would never say that it's a bit silly. Likewise, but I don't know about you on this issue, the notion that the troops are heroes doing amazing deeds for us all. It just isn't true based on recent illegal wars, but we must all bow.

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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Greenbeanz View Post
    Who are "they" ?
    The critics.
    miles dont feed the trolls
    Asking a question of somebody who is clearly addressing me in a post is hardly trolling by any stretch of the imagination. Have you become so intolerant that now even three word posts are construed as something twisted? Yourself and Miles seem very intent on stamping down on dissent and ridiculing anyone that does not suck up to you both, and toe the party line. That is not the mark of a radical or someone willing to think outside of the box. You are both coming across as very square and narrow minded. This is a forum and it is most disingenuous of you both to make sweeping assumptions about other posters, simply because they might have a different view point to your own.

    Kindly hold your tongue if you have nothing constructive to add to the debate.
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  9. #39
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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Miles, you buy cardigans from Marks and Spencers and invest in Gold Bars. You are terrified of vegetables and music made by black people and yet somehow we are to believe that you are now a radical? Just because you live in South Korea that does not make you any less part of what you call "The System". You live in a capitalist consumer led country and churn out thread after thread of teen level angst about your boring selfish safe life and lash out at anyone and anything that might force you to change or look at the world in a different way, even when those "threats" are thousands of miles away. The immigrants are not coming to take YOUR job, you won't have to go and protest in the street, you can just watch the revolution on TV and sneer at how you would have done a better job than anybody else from your little apartment. Nobody is asking you to salute the disabled, just not to be such a pathetic whiner when you are not the centre of attention.

    How many years has it taken you to realise that the obvious is not true? Have you never thought perhaps just for one tiny fleeting moment that other people may have come to realisations and made conclusions many years ago about what you are just now finally coming to grasp? I don't want to hate on you but maybe think before you just spout nonsense in future

    I wrote and released this in 2012 based in a speech given by Alan Hunt Badiner in which he said

    "A society that actively banishes personal exploration, with all psychedelic plants, will need to monitor, closely, all of its citizens. All our communications, transactions, and expressions are under increasing surveillance, by a growing and expensive bureaucracy of control and repression. None of this is conducive to the peaceful free contemplation of strategies for our personal liberation and fulfilment. In reality, this ceases to be a war on drugs, but rather is a war on consciousness, a war on the free exercise of the most precious gifts bestowed on human beings."

    For a large part of the early nineties I was the projectionist and filmmaker/animater for a Punk/techno collective who as well as playing at many anti facist festivals around Europe would stack Televisions on stage and play out footage form the undercurrents protest groups and recipes for hallucinogenics, etc

    After being a very vocal and active demonstrating activist when the first Gulf war kicked off I also wrote and released this in 2011

    The point is you can't trust anyone. Alex Jones is a shill. Chomsky is in it for the kudos. All your heroes are fallable men with feet of clay. The Queen however much you may hate the monarchy is actually a human being and not a reptile and Immigration is a subject in which your opinion is no more or less important than that of anyone else.

    I have never been part of "the System" any more than anyone else and have had a most unconventional and pretty eclectic existence. Again

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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  10. #40
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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    I don't think drugs are the answer to oppressive totalitarianism. Drugs are a distraction and I think that is one of the reasons why Britain is struggling. They claim to be having a war on drugs, yet half the country is on them, be it legal or illegal. It distracts people and keeps them ignorant of cold, hard reality.

    I don't begrudge you being right in the frame of the orthodox narrative which you are quite often as evidenced by more recent posting. On some issues you might resist, but on others you are very traditional. Immigration, monarchy and family are very traditional conformist positions to hold. I am not different or special, but I do resist in my own way and call a spade a spade. I don't think my views are especially radical either as popular opinion often largely agrees with me. Take immigration for example, the majority of immigrants themselves want a cap on immigration as do most working class English people. The middle class media would largely disagree with us all but, I think that is what fits you like a glove. 'Ooh, we are so caring, let's have more. To hell with those who disagree'. Such a Blairish attitude to a complex issue. 'Anyone who says no should be tarred as a racist' was how it was spun for decades. How mature the media and politicians have been!

    Nothing I say is radical. It is mostly just common sense. The only thing that might be viewed as extreme is my stance on parenting, but considering that countries cannot even find jobs for their young and are sinking under mountains of false promises, my judgement is likely to turn out to be a sensible one. Robots will replace them, technology will do the work, and too many poor people will be a drain. I don't like that, but that is how it has been designed. True resistance is to not sell a soul. I would not have such an attitude in a caring world, but this is not a caring world. An average person can only do so much, and I am an average person. More people should realise that they are too. See, I don't talk myself up. I am quite aware of my limitations and live accordingly.

    Also what is all this talk of gold bars and cardigans? I follow markets as any sensible person should, but don't blame me for the missing German Gold, it is in China, but should be in Germany. And I do not wear cardigans. I wear jackets and jeans. These are important distinctions.

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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Just a final point on this topic of classifying people. I think in life we are also a work in progress. We are lumps of organic matter and who we are today is not who we were a decade ago or the same as we will be a decade from now. Views are constantly adjusting and shaping. For instance, my British conditioning for many years had taught me that guns were bad. It was ingrained. I thought the Americans were mad, but now I somewhat agree with Lyle on the topic. Only about 11,000 of them are mad. We are constantly learning new things and forgetting other things and it is an evolution. I suppose I am saying we shouldn't pigeonhole others too easily, because sometimes what we think about someone else isn't completely accurate. I do it sometimes and so do others. For instance, not in a million years am I a communist as Lyle seems to think. It's easier for us to walk around with certain caricatures of one another. We are all likely far more rounded and nuanced than a few posts a week on a forum will allow us to show. In my case I am incredibly sexy too.

    I guess I am trying to say that I should replace Piers Morgan.

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    Miles what does

    "Immigration,monarchy and family are very traditional conformist positions to hold" actually mean?

    Simply disagreeing with outlandish claims of 29 Million Romanians and Bulgarians poised and ready to land on these shores is hardly a comprehensive indicator with which to gauge my entire stance or opinion on such a complex issue. UKIP and Farrage are the darlings of old fashioned Tories to stale and conservative to cope even with the right wing party they have left. You are by association now claiming that to not swallow their nonsense someone is somehow "conformist"?

    The monarchy is something that many British are proud of, particularly the present Queen who has been tireless in standing by her promise to serve the country. From her home service in the war to her present day largely figurative role she and the system she heads makes Britain unique. The monarchy bring in huge amounts of money to the economy, much more than they cost. Does that make me a Royalist? Hardly, but I live in this country and can not walk around closing my eyes and ears when EVERYONE ELSE was celebrating the jubilee. Yourself and Brockton slagging off an old lady in her 80's who had tried her best is a bit sad.

    Family. What has that got to do with anything? My entire family 3 brothers and 5 sisters and my mother and step father have not spoken to me for nearly thirty years. Not because I am a conformist but because I was unwilling to conform and left their Christian cult fully aware of the consequences of doing so. I now have my own family but I did not start it under some mythical pressure to conform to a stereotype, like most it was because I love someone.

    Stop putting people into little boxes.

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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    No, we shouldn't put each other in little boxes and that is why I said sorry in a pm. I don't like being put in a box and neither do you. We should stick to the points and stop attacking each other a personal level. It is something we are both guilty of on occasion. Not only us two, but others too. There are too many men on this forum and thus a lot of bollocks.

    I have argued my points of view on immigration, monarchy and family a lot over the years, so you have your views and I have mine. We have some things in common, others less so. There are plenty of threads covering these topics and you have expressed your views in them.

    In terms of family, I am probably extreme and think many are sheep like. I think people should have children if they can afford it and have prepared for all eventualities. It is conformity in that regard to have children and for it to be a ponzi scheme. That is irresponsibility. I am not saying that is you, but it is definitely the case for most and that is conformity. Marry or these days cohabit, rear children and not even having anything in the world. Following predictable memes is conformity.

    In some areas of life I am an absolute conformist. We all are. If you don't conform to some degree then you have to die or suffer. In that sense there is also being a selective non-conformist. It isn't all or nothing and nothing can be. It is the same with political right and left. Nothing is set in stone, or at least it shouldn't be. Peculiarities abound, but most will be sheep and sheep must bleat.

    And, that is why Alex Jones will never be working for CNN. Let me alone thy beasts of burden, let me alone to my obscure island free of sheeples, steeples, and something else that rhymes with eeples.

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    Peoples. As in belonging to a person.
    Like the current Pope, who certainly ain't Persian,
    The people's steeples have no peepholes for voyeuristic aversion.


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    You are also correct in pointing out that this forum has an abundance of hairy gonads. I am not sure what the collective term is. A "scrote" of gonads ? a bulbosity of bollacks ? a torrent of testes ?

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